April 20, 2001

Work and Wish Lists

Whew! The last couple of days have been extremely busy since the project I’m currently on at work is supposed to be deployed this weekend (and that means I’ll probably be working through the weekend – bummer …). Things were so crazy at times that I didn’t know what the heck was happening … and obviously, I didn’t have the time to post to my journal either even when I got home. However, I have been working on the next incarnation of Blog whenever I had the time and thanks to François Piette’s excellent Midware components, I’ve been able to develop a client/server version of Blog pretty fast! I’ve already got the Blog server coding far enough to have the Blog client be able to log onto it and retrieve information 🙂 I still need to put in authorization, user management and stuff and also check that all the functionality that Blog had previously still works, but so far it’s looking very good indeed …

I had not had any time to check on my Wish List since I’d been too busy with so many other things <vbg> I had checked to see if my Wish List was online several times after I’d set it up last week but the only Fahim Farook that I could find was some guy in Dubai – this must be the same guy who’s been taking up all the user id’s online for Fahim :p Then I did another check yesterday and finally found that my list was online as well … not that anybody would be interested but I just kinda think it’s neat and I will also put a link in the side bar so at least my RL (real life) friends can use it the next time they want to get me a gift <vbg>

Posted by Fahim at 8:12 am  |  No Comments