April 8, 2001

Further ADO Woes

Another day of mostly relaxing and doing a little bit of work around the house – like two weeks worth of laundry <vbg> I decided to go back to the Blog code today and it turned out that BDE was giving me some weird errors with the archiving function and I had no idea what the problem was … So I decided to give ADO another whirl but what a mess that turned out to be 🙂

I had two free ADO components to work with and each had different problems – the first one wouldn’t support the normal TTable methods and so it looked as if I would have to rewrite all the code that I’d already done for Blog. So I tried the other ADO component and that did support all the TTable methods and it did seem to work much better than the first ADO component as well – at least, that’s how things seemed till I tried to run Blog 🙂 Then I found out that I couldn’t even insert a record because I would get an error message stating that the table was not editable and I did all the possible checks I could and as far as I could determine, the table *was* editable … I was pretty frustrated by this time and so gave up on any further coding – especially since I had to cook dinner and stuff – but I decided to stick with BDE (however cumbersome it might be) for the moment since it does work … Maybe if I win the lottery, I’ll be able to shell out $200 and give the Inprise ADO Express components a try <vbg>

Posted by Fahim at 9:00 pm  |  No Comments