On the track of a submission
First of all, before I forget, if anybody needs an invite to Windows Live Messenger beta, I’ve got a few invites. So let me know 🙂 I kinda, sorta like it and the winks are amusing and since Microsoft has seen fit to give me a few beta invites, I might as well pass it along.
I submitted a short story to Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine. I first learnt of ASIM through Simon Hayne’s site. I came across Simon’s site while doing a web search for something else. Given that he is a humorous science fiction author, I tarried a while on his site. (Actually, I’d been to his site several times before but each time, I’d been there to look at one or other piece of his software and never noticed that he was a writer but once I did find out that he was a writer, I stayed longer :p) In his own way, Simon have been inspirational for me 🙂 I came across Simon’s site at a time when I had been querying agents about my novel for a while and had got nothing but rejections – on query. When I read Simon’s story and his long struggle to get published (before finally succeeding), I realized that perhaps I too could become published and that I had to learn to be patient …
Anyway, at that point I noticed that Simon was involved with ASIM but didn’t think anything more of it since I didn’t have any short stories for publication. Now that I’ve started doing short stories, I decided that I should give ASIM a try. I sent in one of my short stories at the beginning of the week and was told that it had passed the initial reading and is now in their submission queue. So I’m keeping my fingers crossed :p
The interesting thing about ASIM is their submission tracking system. One of the most agonizing things about submitting any work is the long wait involved – and the uncertainty. Sometimes, you don’t even know if they received your submission and you certainly don’t know what is happening with your submission. You know that you have to wait a month, or two, or three but beyond that, it’s all darkness. At ASIM, they make the wait easier for you 🙂 You get assigned a submission number and then you can keep track of where you submission is in the submission process. I really like that 🙂
In fact, I like how ASIM works so much that I think I’ll try submitting my novel to them next to see if they are interested in serializing it … or not 🙂