January 8, 2003

Spring comes early …

Well as you can see spring has sprung early at SM :p I’ve been changing stuff around since I’ve been using the default MT layout for ages and wanted to have something different and unique here. So I set to work with PhotoShop yesterday based on an idea I had day before and while the final result is not exactly what I had in mind (I couldn’t find an image to fit what I had in mind), I am pretty satisfied with what I finally got here 🙂 I need to add a few touches here and there maybe to the borders to make them kind of individual and then use the same borders on all the archive pages but that should be about it.

I’ve been doing a lot of website related work recently since I’ve been consolidating everything to my domain at farook.org. Of course, somebody e-mailed me to tell me that farook.org is blocked from his work and that he won’t be able to read my site(s) from work any longer and I have no idea what prompted that particular action on the part of his employers. I am just curious as to why my domain was blocked but then again, strange are the ways of employers :p But getting back to web site changes, I would like to make SM the site which leads to all matters personal for me and keep The Developer’s Corner as the development/coding related site. So expect to see stuff being moved around during the coming weeks :p Once I get all that done, then I want to add a few more sub-domains for various non-development related stuff but I guess I shouldn’t get ahead of myself and wait till I actually have something in place before I talk about all that 🙂

Posted by Fahim at 7:54 am  |  No Comments

First of all my apologies to DeViLbOi, who indeed told me about e107 before Phil :p I tried it out yesterday but then realized that I probably am over complicating matters by installing a CMS when all I need is a way to point people to the new areas on my site without cluttering up the interface too much. As time goes on and I add the new stuff that I have in mind, a portal site may make sense but for the moment, I really should be OK with the current set up – if I can come up with a good interface 🙂

So speaking of interfaces, I’ve been working on layouts for both my sites – The Developer’s Corner and SM. You can see the new layout for SM at the site itself since I created it, liked it and put it up already :p The layout for this site is however something that I have been working on (on and off) for a while now. You can find the almost finished result here. Personally, I don’t like it much for some reason – maybe it tries too hard :p I don’t know if I really want to use that layout or come up with something a bit more simpler and clean-cut that I would like to use. I guess I’ll see what all of you think before I go one way or another on that one. In the meantime, the changes at the site keep on – slowly but surely. Unfortunately, due to the lack of time, I guess it’ll take a while for all of it to be finally in place and when it is, it will take a little more time for me to get back into coding. So bear with me 🙂

Posted by Fahim at 6:46 am  |  4 Comments