Powerless to act …
We lost power yesterday in the morning and I couldn’t work. A couple of days before that, the ADSL connection went out and when I called them up, they said that it would take about 5 hours to fix it. Today, the ADSL connection is up but it seems to be on the fritz – downloads stop after a while and I have to restart the whole thing all over again. This seems to be a general fact of life here in Sri Lanka – breakdowns happen and they happen often. And of course, you can’t do anything much about it.
Things didn’t seem to be so bad – or at least, the rosy glow of memory is misting up all the bad stuff :p But these days, everything seems to be reaching a pinnacle where breakdowns, laziness and sheer indifference is creating an untenable situation. But of course, when you live in a country and things appear to become this bad, what can you do? I don’t want to move anywhere else. I like Sri Lanka. Can you try to change the country itself? That is an interesting mental exercise but I am not sure how well it would work in practical terms :p
I don’t know about the ADSL situation but at least the power related issues are only in this particular area. My parents live about 15-20 minutes away and they don’t have as much trouble with power outages and such as we do. Maybe we should consider moving over there if this continues to happen but then there are issues with that as well … but isn’t there always some issue? Seems to be a fact of life – at least, you can’t complain that life’s boring :p
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