Tweets for 2022-11-07
- Sri Lankans and their apologizing for things because "the good name of Sri Lanka should not be tarnished", or whatever they tell themselves …
Right is right, wrong is wrong. No matter whether a Sri Lankan did it or any one else did. Till we learn that, we'll never progress. 07:04:24
- This paper on prompt poisoning is very interesting 🙂
Lots of stuff you can probably learn from the sample implementation too!
- eDiffi was interesting in the results it produced and had some interesting concepts that I wish I knew how to implement 🙂
There is now a partial code implementation here using SD:
Worth a look! 07:50:28
- I'm going to keep asking this every day till the govt takes some (any?) action. Raise your voice!
@RW_UNP When are you going to arrest people who brought the country to economic collapse? Or are you only arresting protestors and letting the politicos go?
- Really @instagram? Spammers can add 20 – 30 followers to my Instagram account within minutes but when I try to remove them, I'm blocked from removals after about 10? What's the logic there? Quantity over quality? 09:12:40
- After several tries, I finally found the right prompt to get the level of greenery and crumbling civilization that I wanted 🙂
It looks as if the word "lush" was key and the prompt was: "lush greenery covering dystopian landscape"
#AIArtwork #StableDiffusion #DeepLearning #AI 18:31:43
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