June 17, 2002

The Farook family saga continues – there was a call from my brother who was staying at our other house in Kurunegala saying that the house had been robbed while he slept 🙁 That house is kind of sparsely furnished since we are still in the process of building it and my parents had just come back from Kurunegala yesterday and my brother was supposed to leave in the morning for work. He’d woken up, got dressed and had seen that his shoes were missing and so gone looking and had realized that the whole house, except for the room that he’d been in, had been cleaned out! Well, not totally cleaned out since they left the heavy stuff like furniture but took almost everything else of value that could be carried. I don’t know whether it is some sort of a jinx following our family (since this is the second robbery in less than six months …) or just plain coincidence. Anyway, I’ll probably not go to work today since I’ll have to accompany my mother to Kurunegala to see what’s up …

I didn’t do much coding over the weekend since I was too busy reading. I was going to write a bit about what I was reading (Raymond E. Feist – but that’s rather who …) but won’t have the time now because of the robbery and stuff. Maybe tomorrow … I was also going to do a release of Blog 6.0 Beta 3 today since I’ve finished doing all the bug fixes that I was told of as well as completing the feature set that I wanted for this release but even that will have to wait now … Of course, the good thing is that I’m already eager to get to work on Blog 7.0 – the major feature? Built-in comments along the same lines as Blog Client mode – to be e-mailed in and collated into Blog 🙂 Of course, I really need to finish work on PostMan before I start work on that but you never know with me …

Posted by Fahim at 7:13 am  |  No Comments