July 15, 2022

Tweets for 2022-07-14

  • Speaking of gullibility, I keep seeing people on Twitter saying “The Aragalaya is no longer peaceful.”

    Now why would you believe that the Aragalaya is one cohesive organization? People are protesting in their own ways. Some peaceful, some not. Some have agendas. All true. 08:01:22

  • Neither @GotabayaR nor @RW_UNP care for the country.

    Gota wants to save himself and will hang on to the presidency till he’s safe.

    Ranil, will then hang onto it for dear life since all he craves is power.

    Two leeches with their separate agendas. 08:35:54

  • Who cares that Gota is “under a lot of pressure”? Did Gota care that most of the people in Sri Lanka were under a lot of pressure for years under his idiotic and half-assed rule?

    https://t.co/kRTwAMxJx2 11:21:45

  • Gota is apparently under so much pressure from being flown to the Maldives, living in a five-star resort, and now making plans to fly to Singapore that he can’t write one tiny resignation letter.

    And yet, he found time enough to appoint Ranil acting prez amidst all the pressure. 11:24:26

  • So Gota is so scared of just facing up to everything he’s done, and possibly having “common” people accosting him, that he has to fly via private jet to Singapore.

    Who’s paying for all of this?

    https://t.co/ICUked6WT2 11:36:10

Posted by Fahim at 12:06 am  |  No Comments