Coding again …
I started working on Blog again. Despite all the research that I did into other blogging tools which supported the MetaWeblog API, I just couldn’t find an app which worked exactly the way my rather picky tastes dictate :p Sure, I found a couple which came close but nothing was quite there. If everything else was there, then live spellchecking wasn’t there and I do like knowing if I make a spelling mistake instead of having to check on words over and over to make sure that I wasn’t imagining things 🙂
So back to Blog it was. The first issue I faced was, the question of how to implement the UI so that somebody could select either to publish a post or to save as draft easily. The current menuing system I was using wasn’t very good at displaying toolbar buttons with multiple options :p I had originally given up on the standard Delphi components because I had run into issues with setting up custom menus/toolbars buttons on the fly but by now I had forgotten what the exact issue had been. So I decided to give the standard Delphi components one more try. I ditched the custom menuing system and went back to Delphi components. I’ll know soon enough how that goes …
I did manage to get the posting as draft to a MetaWeblog system working soon after that. All it needed was changing a few lines of code 🙂 I then wanted to get uploading of images via the MetaWeblog API system working. While this involved fairly few code changes to implement, detecting new images and ensuring duplicates are not uploaded proved to be a lot more difficult. So I put that on hold for the moment in favour of another objective – getting custom tag support working with the WYSIWYG editor. Still working on that one …
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