May 16, 2001

Started a small rush job early in the morning 🙂 Somebody at work wanted a way to print HTML documents from the command-line and though I searched the right-click context menu settings for HTML printing on one of machines, all I found was that they were doing it via DDE through MS Word :p I didn’t think to check on my other machine and so searched the web and found a shareware program which did the job but that got me thinking and I wanted to see if I could do it quickly in Delphi …

Two hours later, I had an app which worked on my machine but in the meantime I’d also discovered that there was a simpler way to do it via Rundll32.exe and the MSHTML.DLL file :p But that was on my Win2k machine and that particular command wouldn’t work on my other machine which had NT 4.0 workstation on it. Then I tried my app on the NT 4.0 workstation and it wouldn’t work! Ugh … I hate different versions of Windows and IE and Dlls and what not :p Oh well ….

Posted by Fahim at 11:37 am  |  No Comments