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Cee - Fortune Cookie Manager

Cee is a program which started life as a front-end to manage the fortune cookie/quote database used by another one of my apps - Blog. But then I decided to enhance the features of Cee so that it would work like a fortune cookie program and a signature generator as well. Basically, you can use Cee to simply add, edit and delete the quotes that you use with Blog or you can use it to display a quote everytime you log into your computer or to generate a signature file to be used with your e-mail client.

Incidentally the name Cee comes from the old Sesame Street song sung by the Cookie Monster - Cee is for Cookie :p


  • The ability to maintain a database of quotes, sayings or any other piece of writing of interesting to you.
  • Display a new quote (either randomly or sequentially) from the database each time you start your computer.
  • The ability to display new quotes at timed intervals.
  • The ability to use the quote database to generate signature files for the e-mail client of your choice.

Screen Shots

Main Window

Options Dialog

FAQ/Known Defects

  • I get a dialog box saying "Non registered" with a message about PlusMemo from Electro-Concept Mauricie. How do I get rid of it? This is not a nag screen put up by Cee since I try to make my apps completely freeware. However, one of the components that I've used in Cee is shareware and the nag screen comes from it if you are using a version of Cee older than 2.1 - this issue is fixed with Cee version 2.1 upwards.
Copyright © 2001-2008 Fahim Farook