August 7, 2022

Tweets for 2022-08-06

  • I'm going to keep asking this every day till the govt takes some (any?) action. Will you RT with me?

    @RW_UNP When are you going to arrest people who brought the country to economic collapse? Or are you only going to arrest protestors and let the big fish go?

    Day 3 #JusticeLKA 08:10:24

  • Is Dulquer Salman going to be the cross-language star of the new generation? He's had movies in Malayalam, Tamil, Hindi, and now (maybe I missed previous ones?) in Telugu …

    And he seems to be doing great no matter what the language is. Looking forward to "Sita Ramam" … 10:57:29

  • Not going to have the next chapter of "Sir Lanka Files" done today 🙁 I'm halfway through the chapter but need time to finish/polish.

    Might have to go to a chapter every other day schedule. Hard juggling work, personal stuff, and writing.

    I'm too old for this 😜 11:43:56

  • Sri Lanka, no country like any other indeed.

    Guys can talk filth all they want. Abuse women freely in public transport. But a woman shows her middle finger and suddenly all these guys become paragons of morality.

    Where were these standards when your elected MPs did worse? 19:03:16

Posted by Fahim at 12:06 am  |  No Comments