September 18, 2003

Yes I’m not dead and I’m finally back – more info can be found at SM :p And no, Blog coding has not been suspended, shelved, dropped etc. either 🙂 I did take a little hiatus from coding since I was hitting brickwalls at every turn with the WYSIWYG HTML editor component but that was because I was using WPTools. Julian was really kind in letting me use the component in Blog but the problem was that I was trying to use something which wasn’t really designed for what I had in mind. Plus, Julian already has a lot of established users and so I don’t think he has as much time to devote to somebody who wants features that most others would not need or want.

When I got back from my hiatus, I looked at the HTMLEditor component from PurposeSoft again. I’d been a beta tester for HTMLEditor 2.0 but had decided not to use it in Blog initially due to some considerations that I decided not to bother with this time around :p Fabian who develops the component has been truly responsive and has been kind enough to let me use the component in Blog and has even let me work with the upcoming HTMLEditor 3.0 component – which actually has all the features that I missed in HTMLEditor 2.0 in the first place 🙂 He’s been fixing all the bugs in HTMLEditor 3.0 as soon as I find them and thanks to his diligence, I’m almost done with the WYSIWYG HTML editor component. Now I just need to fix various publishing related stuff and I should be ready to release the first public beta of Blog 8.0.

On other code related work, I’m working on a PHP project, have to go back to a Visual Studio .NET component that I did for a client and might also have to do some other Visual Studio .NET development work but am too rushed at the moment to do much updating :p Will try to get around to that sometime in the future – and I’ll keep on updating my rambles and rants etc. (and boy do I have some doozies :p) over at SM when I have some time …

Posted by Fahim at 5:07 pm  |  4 Comments