September 6, 2001

I’ve been talking to Ray Weigel from TechTV who tells me that they are going to do a review of Blog on Friday on Tech Live! I’m kinda excited about that 🙂 As some of you know, TechTV is a staple of my evening TV viewing and it is nice to be picked by them to be reviewed. This is going to be the first media review of any of my apps apart from reviews on the Net – that I know of, at least. There was of course that one time a guy from Wired interviewed me over the phone about DarkStep but it turned out that he was actually doing an article on skinning and DarkStep got mentioned in one line – and I didn’t get mentioned at all :p Of course, having worked in media I knew that might be how things might turn out and so kept my mouth shut on that instance but I guess I’ll let the cat out of the bag this time since some of you might actually want to watch the review and unlike print media, with television there is no point in telling you after the fact <vbg>

Yesterday was horrendous at work again and I got home late so there was no chance to work on Blog and so the Blog 5.0 preview will have to wait a little bit more 🙁 What I’ve decided to do is go back to the old Indy code if possible so that I don’t break any of the existing stuff and then fix a few bugs in the first Blog 5.0 private release that I did for a couple of people and then do the Blog 5.0 preview release … Hopefully today or tomorrow but definitely by the weekend 🙂

Posted by Fahim at 8:26 am  |  No Comments