January 22, 2002

I’ve just uploaded the installer version of Blog 5.0 🙂 Now, don’t go rushing along without reading the documentation if you are an existing Blog user even though there is an Upgrade option on the installer :p I forgot to do a few things and since I’m on a dial-up connection and the installer is a hefty 2.5MB (blame the ZIP compression used by the NullSoft Installer <g> I use RAR myself and it manages to squeeze in just a bit more …) I will not be uploading it again – especially since I have to upload to 3 different sites 🙁 What did I forget? I forgot to change the instructions on how to upgrade on the Blog.txt file! Although from Blog 5.0 onwards all database upgrades are supposed to happen transparent to the user, I had to use the Database Conversion Utility one final time since there is a little problem there that cannot be fixed any other way. Both the Blog 5.0 installer (if you use the Upgrade option) and the separate Upgrade package (not yet uploaded by me …) will have the Database Conversion Utility (DCU) included with them. Simply run the DCU first and select the “4.0+ -> New Format” option from the Convert menu (after backing up your Blog data first, of course <g>) and then run Blog 5.0 and you should be set … Just don’t forget, OK? Have fun with the latest Blog and let me know what you think … (and yes, I’ll upload the Upgrade package as soon as I can but even that’s around 1.4MB …)

Tags: General
Posted by Fahim at 10:46 am   Comments (6)

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Quanta 22 January 2002 at 5:27 am

Does Blog beta 2 get rid of the popup “Unregistered PlusMemo v5.3 by Electro-Concept Maurice” on start up? I’m currently using beta 1.

Any chance of main page entries reversed by date but chronological by time?

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Fahim 22 January 2002 at 5:46 am

Nope, it does not get rid of the Unregisterd PlusMemo message. That’s because I’m using the best memo component that suits my needs but it is not a freeware one. I don’t want to spend the money to buy the component since I can put up with the error message :p I’ve asked Blog users to donate some money via PayPal if they don’t like the message but nobody seemed to be interested … As for the reversed by date and not by time thing, it is possible to do it but can’t say whether I will do it for sure since I don’t know how many people would want that particular option …

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GeekXSteel 22 January 2002 at 7:05 am

Let me get this straight.

I just downloaded Blog 5.

I’ve been using Blog 5 Beta 1. And these are the steps I’ve taken to upgrade to Blog 5 (final)

1. Backup my current Blog b1 folder.

2. Installed Blog 5 final in another folder.

3. Drag convertor.exe into my backed up folder and chose convert to New Format.

4. When done, I dragged the Blog 5 (final) .exe file into the backed up folder just now and ran Blog 5 final.

5. Didn’t work for me. Did I do something wrong?

I got this error box first.

1. DBSAM Engine Error # 11010 Table “C:BlogBackUpcookie.dat” does not exist.

2. tblJot: Cannot perform this operation on a closed dataset.

I hope that helps. I’m believe I made the proper way to upgrade. I might be wrong 😉 … Thanks Fahim.

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NP 22 January 2002 at 9:32 am


Can you explain a little more clearly how to upgrade, so we don’t get errors like this? Sorry to be a pain, but us stupid folks need simple, like 1,2,3. Grin. Please?

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NP 22 January 2002 at 9:48 am

Nah, don’t bother, even idiots like me can copy and paste a blog.exe over to the old directory. Grin. Thanks.

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Fahim 22 January 2002 at 10:03 am

Actually the stupid person is me :p The crash mentioned here occurrs if you are trying to upgrade and you don’t have the Cee files as well in the Blog directory because I forgot to include code to check to see if the Cee files are there before trying to convert them. My fault entirely. I’m fixing the code and will upload the new files but since it is close to about 5MB and I have to upload it to three different servers over a dial-up connection, be patinet with me 🙂

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